Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring '09 Announcements

The preliminary schedule for the 2009 MELUS Conference in Spokane, Washington is now online at:

Rutgers University Press Announces a New Series: Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the Americas (MELA)

Series Editors: Amritjit Singh, Ohio University, Carla L. Peterson, University of Maryland, College Park, & C. Lok Chua, California State University, Fresno

This exciting new publishing endeavor aims to expand and deepen our sense of American literatures as multi-cultural and multi-lingual and will contribute to a broader understanding of “America” as a complex site for the creation of national, transnational, and global narratives. Series volumes focus on the recovery, consolidation, and re-evaluation of literary expression in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean as shaped by the experience of race, ethnicity, national origin, region, class, gender, and language. The Series addresses all historical periods, and in doing so presents a unique opportunity to revolutionize the entire field of American studies.

The MELA Series has two major aims. First, it seeks to make available neglected or lost texts by bringing into print previously unpublished or out-of-print works of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry and drama, written in or translated into English. Second, it encourages the compilation of multi-ethnic readers/anthologies organized around a single author, a historical period, a movement, an ethnic literature, or a theoretical or thematic paradigm. These anthologies may employ a variety of methods and viewpoints in reconstructing the literary cultures of the Americas—in conversation with one another and with the rest of the world.

Both the reprint volumes and anthologies are aimed at general audiences, even as they primarily address the need for a diverse curriculum that speaks to the widening range of experiences and histories of our students today. Each volume in the Series will include an introduction providing appropriate historical background and cultural context, along with notes and other editorial apparatus.

Available Titles

Chinatown Family, by Lin Yutang, edited by
C. Lok Chua

Shadowed Dreams: Women’s Poetry of the Harlem
Renaissance—Second Edition, Revised and
Expanded, edited by Maureen Honey

Daughter of the Revolution: The Major Nonfiction
Works of Pauline E. Hopkins, edited by Ira Dworkin

A Long Way From Home, by Claude McKay, edited
by Gene Andrew Jarrett

Empire and the Literature of Sensation: An
Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Writings, edited by
Jesse Alemán and Shelley Streeby

Zora Neale Hurston: The Collected Plays, edited
by Jean Lee Cole and Charles Mitchell

Visions and Divisions: American Immigration
Literature, 1870-1924, edited by Tony Trigilio and
Timothy Prchal

Holy Prayers in a Horse’s Ear, by Kathleen
Tamagawa, edited by Greg Robinson and Elena Tajima

Forthcoming Titles

The Grand Gennaro, by Garibaldi M. Lapolla, edited
by Steven Belluscio

Arab American Reader, edited by Pauline Kaldas, Lisa
Majaj and Khaled Mattawa

Advance Praise for the Series

“This multi-ethnic literature series is academically important—and no one is more qualified to lead this effort than series editor Amrit Singh. The need for a diverse curriculum, especially one that is cognizant of past traditions as well as future trends, continues to grow.”
–Cheryl Wall, Rutgers University

“This series sounds outstanding! It will be an important and prestigious venture—this puts Rutgers University Press at the cutting edge of a project that will be increasingly central to the academic profession.”
–Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Stanford University

Contact Information

For general information and guidelines, contact Leslie Mitchner, Associate Director and Editor in Chief, Rutgers University Press, (732) 445-7762 x601;

For specific queries about manuscript submission, contact one of the series editors: Amritjit Singh:, Carla L. Peterson: or C. Lok Chua:

Rutgers University Press
100 Joyce Kilmer Ave
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Book your next journey with us

Katherine Matheson
Program Associate for Outreach and Communications
Council for International Exchange of Scholars
3007 Tilden Street NW, Suite 5 - L
Washington , DC 20008
(202) 686- 7866

From March to August 1, 2009, U.S. faculty and professionals are invited to apply for *Fulbright scholar grants at

For monthly updates, write us at for a complimentary subscription to The Fulbright Scholar News, an electronic newsletter.

*The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world. Since 1946, the Fulbright Program has provided more than 286,000 participants from over 155 countries with the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, to exchange ideas and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns. For more information, visit

Fulbright Scholar Program for US Faculty and Professionals for 2010-2011 is open
The Fulbright Scholar Program offers 60 grants in lecturing, research or combined lecturing/research awards in American literature, including six Fulbright Distinguished Chairs. Even better, faculty and professionals in American literature also can apply for one of the 144 “All Discipline” awards open to all fields.

What does Fulbright offer in American literature? Here are a few of the awards for 2010-2011:

Sub-Saharan Africa: Award #0066 - Arts, Business Administration, Computer and Information Sciences, Education Humanities and Social Sciences in Ghana; Award# 0055 – American Literature and Civilization and Award #0056 – American Studies or Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Cote d’Ivoire; Award #0046 – Culture and Peace Studies in Botswana.

Middle East and North Africa: Opportunities for lecturing in all countries in the region including Tunisia , Algeria and Israel .

Northern and Eastern Europe: Multiple awards in Norway including Award #0039 – Roving Scholar in American Studies; Award #0229 – American Studies in Croatia; Award #0324 – Linguistics, Academic Writing, American Studies or Literature in Lithuania; Award #0356 – American Studies in Romania.

Western Hemisphere: Award #0506 – Social Sciences and Humanities in Argentina ; Award# 0563 – Social Sciences and Humanities in Venezuela .

The application deadline is August 1, 2009. U.S. citizenship is required. For a full, detailed listing of all the Fulbright programs and other eligibility requirements visit our website at, or send a request for materials to


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